List of plants added to my natural fish tank

This is one of the most asked information on my channel. It took a long time and now I did not want to wait any longer after seeing comments from our viewers like this

When I first started my tank, my first choice was to go to Kolathur and get all the plants there. My first addition was Cabomba and peacock moss which I added to the rock.


I was looking for better choice and then came across a website from which I ordered rest of the plants. Here is the list of plants I bought, quantity and the price (Jan 18, 2024)



Plant NameUnit priceQuantityTotal price
Hygrophila Difformis “Variegated”₹19.002₹38.00
Bacopa Caroliniana₹2.5010₹25.00
Egeria Najas₹1.2510₹12.50
Hemigraphis sp. Pink (Terranium Plant)₹7.505₹37.50
Hygrophila Difformis₹2.5010₹25.00
Rotala Indica₹7.5010₹75.00
Cryptocoryne Wendtii₹25.003₹75.00
Cryptocoryne Wendtii “Tropica”₹37.503₹112.50
Rotala Macrandra “Pink”₹7.5010₹75.00
Polygonum sp. “Sao Paulo” Red₹10.0010₹100.00



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